
Outbreak Training Website

Clinical management | Notification of syphilis

In Australia, syphilis is a notifiable condition. Any diagnosis is required, by law, to be reported to the appropriate jurisdictional authority. The notification process is different across Australia. Please see the drop-down menu below for each jurisdiction’s notification requirements.

Syphilis Registers

Syphilis Register States or Territories provide a central reference point to enquire about past treatment to enable correct treatment, and to prevent the patient being unnecessarily re-treated. QLD, SA and NT already have established registers, while WA have local public health units (PHUs) that record syphilis cases and can assist.

Syphilis registers can record:

  • Laboratory results of syphilis serology (RPR etc.)
  • Treatment provided (i.e., Penicillin) 
  • Dates of treatment
  • Location of treatments, ie town or community and the health service
  • Response to treatment
  • Named contacts, their results and date tested results (if known)


Jurisdictional notification requirements